Order of Malta in Slovakia

Order of Malta is active in Slovakia through its three official institutions:

 1.  Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Slovak republic - more information here.

(In charge of: Diplomatic and Bilateral Relationships and Affairs, Representation of
the Order in Slovakia, Supervision over the activities in Slovakia)

Delegates and Diplomatic Corps:

H.S.H. Dr. Alfred Prinz von Schönburg-Hartenstein - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Slovak Republic

Mr. Arno Ahornegger - Diplomatic Counsellor

MMag. Dominik Brichta – Diplomatic Secretary of the Embassy

Mons. ICDr. Tibor Hajdu – Ecclesiastic Advisor

  2.  Sovereign Order of Malta Organization Slovakia (SOMOS)

(In charge of: Interior affairs of members of the Order in Slovakia)

Delegates of the Presidium:

Gróf Norbert Salburg-Falkenstein – President

Princ Johannes von Lobkowicz

Kristof Szbadhegy

MMag. Dominik Brichta – Chancellor

 3.  Malteser Aid Slovakia – more information

(In charge of: Charity activities in Slovakia)


JUDr. Július Brichta – President

Ing. Rudolf Páleš – Vice-President

Mgr. Peter Kružliak – Secretary

Activities in Slovakia:


In Slovakia, The Order of Malta is active through its three official institutions, that are above mentioned – The Embassy of the Order of Malta, SOMOS and Malteser Aid Slovakia.

Malteser Aid Slovakia is non-governmental organization registered at Ministry of Interior of the Slovak republic, through which all charity activities of the Order in Slovakia are carried out. Malteser Aid Slovakia´s members are members of the Order as well as registered volunteers (registered volunteers are not members of the Order). All of them are regularly participating in Order´s activities aimed to help the sick and the poor.

These activities require a cooperation with the other two Order´s institutions in Slovakia, namely The Embassy and the SOMOS. Although some of the members of SOMOS may be also members of other Order´s organizations in abroad, all their activities in Slovakia are made under the auspice of Malteser Aid Slovakia.

Maltézsky rád Slovensko

Kapitulská 9, 81101 Bratislava, Tel./Fax: +421 2 5413 1296, e-mail: info@orderofmalta.sk